"_maintitle": "Slither.io Mods", "_playbutton": "Play", "_grapbutton": "Graphics", "_tojoin": "To join a party, fill in the Party Code and click 'Join Party'.", "_conbutton": "Connection", "_setbutton": "Settings", "_helpbutton": "Help", "_contactbutton": "Contact", "_joinparty": "Join Party", "_createparty": "Create Party", "_partici": "Participants will always join the creator of the party during his session, even when he switches servers.", "_grapnor": "Graphic Quality: Normal", "_grapop": "Graphic Quality: Optimized", "_graplow": "Graphic Quality: Low", "_backdef": "Background: Default", "_backcus": "Background: Custom (URL)", "_backwhite": "Background: White Grid", "_backblack": "Background: Black Grid", "_backnone": "Background: None (Black)", "_backcat": "Background: Cats", "_backdirt": "Background: Dirt", "_backgra": "Background: Grass", "_backgri": "Background: Grid", "_backmagma": "Background: Magma", "_backstone": "Background: Stonewall", "_backwood": "Background: Wood", "_uploadbg": "Upload a background, then click 'Set BG' to set it.", "_setbg": "Set BG", "_tojoinip": "To join a specific IP, fill in the IP and click 'Play'.", "_help1": "Respawn - ESC", "_help2": "Zoom In/Out = Mouse wheel scroll Down/Up", "_help3": "Die - Q", "_help4": "Reset Zoom - Tilde/Grave (~/`) or Period (.) ", "_help5": "Toggle HUD - TAB", "_help6": "Toggle Skin Rotator - W", "_help7": "Boost/Speed - Shift/Left Mouse Button", "_help8": "Make sure you delete/disable any other slither.io userscipts/extensions first!", "_help9": "To do this (or to delete our extension), go to chrome://extensions and click the disable checkbox or the trash can icon next to the extension you want to disable/delete", "_help10": "Tutorial:", "_help11": "Enable/Disable Bot (BETA) - E", "_footer1": "Slither.io Org", "_footer2": "Slither.io Forum", "_footer3": "Privacy Policy", "_footer4": "Contact Us", "_footer5": "Mod v3.0", "_clannick": "Clan / Nickname", "_youriphere": "Your IP Here", "_clantag": "Clan Tag", "_clanname": "Clan Name", "_clanset": "Set", "_changeclanlogo": "Change Logo 200x150", "_playbuttonip": "Play", "_creditsbutton": "Credits", "_credit1": "Mr. S. Goger, the founder of Slitherio.org", "_credit2": "Thanks to Mr. Sten, the co-founder and a developer of Slitherio.org", "_credit3": "Thanks to Mr. Burak, a developer of Slitherio.org", "_credit4": "Thanks to Mr. ErmiyaEskandary for the bot", "_credit5": "Thanks to Mr. Szymy for the initial code base", "_credit6": "Thanks to the Slither.io team for the amazing game", "_credit7": "Thanks to all our members and users for using our extension", "_credit8": "Thanks to youtube.com/Chaosflo44 for translating german.", "_credit9": "We used Google Translate for most of the translations. Sorry if it looks funny. If you want to contribute, contact us using the 'Contact Us' tab. or use Bug report", "_partycode": "Party Code", "_nickname": "Nickname"