Slither io Videos videos This category is about videos, which is a very broad category. All kinds of videos such as gameplays, tutorials, tactics and things like that can all be shown here. Videos are a very clear way of showing things like gameplay, because you can exactly see what the user is doing. This is nice, and may eventually help you become the best player in history. If you make a good video, it may be featured here if you are lucky.

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This contains mostly official news, by the original developers of the game! This way, you get to know the news first, and you are always up-to-date to tell your friends about the latest news! Things like new features, requests, answers to questions are always available on the news articles. If you are curious about what the devs say, check this out.

Most frequently asked questions (FAQ) will be answered here, as well as some responses to community questions. Articles from developers and other people that know a lot about the game will be listed here, so if you want to know more about the game.